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If you are going to resurrect an extinct species what would it be and why?

troodon        If I'm going to resurrect an extinct species it would be a Troodon because although they are small, but they ...

Saturday, February 25, 2017

If you are to invent something, what would it be? why?

Image result for real time machine blueprints
Time Machine
       If i have a chance to invent something i will invent a time machine, because when i have a problem i could go back and change it.

Friday, February 24, 2017

If you will be born again would you like to be a different person why? Why not?


Image result for pick a person
       If  I will be born again I would like not to be different person because, I am contended who I am now surrounded with my family and friend’s and I would not like to lose them because, I am happy to be with them, when a have a problem I would talk to them and give me advice, they have full support on me and that’s why I wouldn’t be a different person because they care about me and love me.

Sunday, February 19, 2017

If you will be given an opportunity to travel around the world what country would you visit first? Why?

      If I will be given an opportunity to travel around the world the country I would like to visit first is United kingdom (England). UK is an exciting country and one of the world’s best sights and attractions like the Big Ben, Wembly stadium, Stonehenge, London bridge, London eye and Buckingham palace.

Stamford Bridge

      As a football fanatic I want to visit Stamford Bridge home stadium of my favorite football club Chelsea FC and visit England’s biggest stadium the Wembley stadium, where the biggest sporting event in the U.K held.

This country  also has plenty of historical attractions like the iconic pre-historic standing circle also known as Stonehenge which is constructed 2000 BC and to visit the globe theatre which William Shakespeare perform their and I want to learn and discover there rich culture, that's why I choose this amazing country.